*** SLC image resampling via a lookup table and SINC interpolation *** *** Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.6 13-Feb-2008 clw *** SLC-2 image: 20080822.slc SLC-1 ISP image parameter file: 20070820.slc.par SLC-2 ISP image parameter file: 20080822.slc.par input lookup table: lt1 SLC/MLI ISP image parameter file of reference MLI (lookup table dimension): 20070820.mli.par SLC/MLI ISP image parameter file of MLI2 (lookup table values): 20080822.mli.par SLC format: SCOMPLEX number of offset sample points for polynomial estimation: 4096 number of offset sample points for polynomial estimation: 9 lookup table size range: 3333 azimuth: 3888 lookup table looks range: 3 azimuth: 7 number of SLC data blocks: 33 lines/block: 838 range and azimuth offset range increment: 157 azimuth increment: 426 SLC-1, SLC-2 PARAMETERS: SLC-1 range samples: 10000 SLC-1 azimuth lines: 27221 SLC-1 range pixel size (m): 4.68426 SLC-1 azimuth pixel size (m): 3.14350 SLC-2 range samples: 10000 SLC-2 azimuth lines: 27766 resampled SLC-2 width (samples): 10000 resampled SLC-2 lines: 27221 block: 0 SLC-1 start line: 0 SLC-1 end line: 837 SLC-1 lines: 838 block: 0 SLC-1 range pixel: 0 SLC-1 starting line: 0 LT range: -0.333 LT line: -0.429 block: 0 SLC-1 range pixel: 10000 SLC-1 starting line: 0 LT range: 3333.000 LT line: -0.429 block: 0 SLC start line: 0 min. LT line: -0.429 LT start line: 0 block: 0 SLC-1 range pixel: 0 SLC-1 start line: 837 LT range: -0.333 LT end line: 119.143 block: 0 SLC-1 range pixel: 10000 SLC-1 start line: 837 LT range: 3333.000 LT end line: 119.143 block: 0 SLC-1 start line: 837 start LT line: 119.143 end LT line: 121 LT lines: 122 number of range looks: 3 azimuth looks: 7 WARNING: no overlap with lookup table, max range: -1 max line: -1 block: 0 SLC-2R output start line: 0 SLC-2R end line : 837 LT start line: 0 LT end line: 121 lines: 122 SLC-2 data segment range sample min: 9865 max: 134 azimuth line min: 27631 max: 134 number of range pixels per block: -9730 number of azimuth lines per block: -27496 ERROR calloc_2d: memory allocation error for line pointers