


Wiki » History » Revision 167

Revision 166 (Mathias Bochow, 09/05/2018 03:09 PM) → Revision 167/335 (Mathias Bochow, 09/05/2018 03:11 PM)

h1. Wiki 

 h2. Section 1.4 seminars 

 Room A17, 10.27 and time always 10:00 (if not mentioned otherwise). 

 |*Date*          |*Who*                                 |*Topic*       | 
 |20.09.18        |    Luis                                | Update on Section & GFZ matters| 
 |27.09.18        | Julia                                | PhD Defense Presentation (Test): Observing Inter- and Intra-Annual Glacier Changes and Lake Loading Effects from Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing |  
 |04.10.18        |                                      |                                    | 
 |11.10.18        |                                      |                                    | 
 |18.10.18        |                                      |                                    | 
 |01.11.18        |                                      |                                    |                                      
 |08.11.18        | Carsten                              |From Flowers to Death – Mapping Structural Diversity and the Potential of Change in the Kyritz-Ruppiner Heathland (Progress in NaTec-KRH)              | 
 |15.11.18        | Dr. Ingmar Nitze - AWI Potsdam (Gast von Katrin Kohnert)     | ?                                   | 
 |22.11.18        |                                     |                                     | 
 |29.11.18        |                                     Mathias B.                          |                                     Remote sensing of plastic and waste - a general overview of plastic and waste-related projects in our section | 
 |06.12.18        | Daniel Sp.                          | Overview of ongoing projects at the TERENO-NE / JECAM site DEMMIN |         
 |13.12.18        | Mathias B.                                                              | Remote sensing of plastic and waste - a general overview of plastic and waste-related projects in our section                                         |         
 |                |                                     |                                     |         
 |                |                                     |                                     |