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Claudia Wartenberg, 08/27/2020 10:02 AM


Section 1.4 seminars

Room A17, 10.27 and time always 10:00 (if not mentioned otherwise).

Date Who Topic
12.03. Carolina Canizares Presentation Master Thesis "Resolving 3D coseismic deformation of the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake using radar and optical data"
04.06. Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva (WebEx Meeting) Analysis of geological instabilities using long term multi-temporal DInSAR analysis and geophysical and geomechanical modeling: the case study of salt-cavities induced subsidence in Maceió (Brazil)
11.06. Helga Kuechly & Chris Kyba (WebEx Meeting) Progress in night lights sensing
25.06. Doris Dransch 9 am (WebEx Meeting) Section information
20.08. Doris Dransch ZOOM Meeting
Meeting-ID: 938 3651 6754, Kenncode: 589945
Result employee survey and more
24.09. Andreas Goldschmidt ZOOM Meeting Arbeitssicherheit Expeditionen & Feldeinsätze, Meeting-ID: 969 9284 9071 , Kenncode: 457067
01.10. Kathrin Ward Mapping soil organic carbon with hyperspectral imagery and LUCAS Soil
08.10. PHD & WGL Meeting Haus H, Vortragsraum
29.10. Friederike Klos ZOOM Meeting Meeting-ID: 988 5816 0991, Kenncode: 498157 HyPhy
12.11. WG: EO mission development and data processing
26.11. WG: Integration of in-situ and remote sensing data (TERENO)
10.12. WG: Radar and optical remote sensing for geohazards
14.01. WG: Earth-Atmosphere Interactions (TEAM)
28.01. WG: Big Data Analytics
11.02. WG: Technology transfer in remote sensing

Updated by Claudia Wartenberg over 4 years ago · 247 revisions