Wiki » History » Revision 41
Revision 40 (Christiane Scheidt, 10/20/2015 08:52 AM) → Revision 41/335 (Christiane Scheidt, 10/22/2015 01:14 PM)
h1. Wiki h2. Section 1.4 seminars Room A17, 10.27 and time always 10:00 (if not mentioned otherwise). |*Date* |*Who* |*Topic* | |01.10.15|Nina Bösche (GFZ) |defense test talk | |15.10.15|No seminar | | |22.10.15| | | |29.10.15| | | |05.11.15| | | |12.11.15| | | |19.11.15|(R. 10.27 belegt, falls Vortrag -> evtl. in A19 möglich)| |19.11.15|| | |26.11.15|Michael Förster (TU Berlin, Institute for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning)|The potential contribution of imaging spectroscopy to derive Essential Biodiversity Variables | |03.12.15|Richard Gloaguen (Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology) |TBD | |10.12.15| | | |14.01.16|Björn Waske (FU Berlin, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics)|TBD | |21.01.16|Saskia Förster (GFZ) |TBD | |28.01.16| | |