


Subsetting of MLI images

Added by Julia Neelmeijer almost 10 years ago

Does somebody know what's the best way to subset an MLI (pwr) image?

As input I would have available the following information:

initial_range_offset:                    5
initial_azimuth_offset:                 39
slc1_starting_range_pixel:               0
number_of_slc_range_pixels:           5170
offset_estimation_starting_range:        0
offset_estimation_ending_range:       3500
offset_estimation_range_samples:      3501
offset_estimation_range_spacing:         1
offset_estimation_starting_azimuth:   8400
offset_estimation_ending_azimuth:    19199
offset_estimation_azimuth_samples:    1800
offset_estimation_azimuth_spacing:       6

interferogram_azimuth_lines:           4544
interferogram_width:                   5170

interferogram_range_looks:                1
interferogram_azimuth_looks:              6

It is part of the result from the offset tracking routine, where it is possible to apply the tracking only on a section of the image. However, if I later on want to overlay the result on the power/MLI image, I would need to fit this to the outcoming result.

Thus, with the example values from above, I know that the SLC had originally 5170 pixels in range direction, I would like to have the MLI (looks: 1) from 0 to 3500, so I have in total 3501 lines. For azimuth I have to consider the multi look value of 6, so I'd like to get the lines 8400 to 19199 (SLC!) in order to derive in total 1800 lines of the MLI. The original size of the MLI is rg/az: 5170/4544.

Does anybody has an idea about how to accomplish that with GAMMA?

Replies (2)

RE: Subsetting of MLI images - Added by Mahmud Haghshenas Haghighi almost 10 years ago

Hi Julia,

have you tried MLI_copy command? you can crop your mli file by this command.

MLI_copy <MLI_in> <MLI_in_par> <MLI_out> <MLI_out_par> [roff] [nr] [loff] [nl]

There is also another command SLC_copy which can be used to crop the original SLC file.


RE: Subsetting of MLI images - Added by Julia Neelmeijer almost 10 years ago

Thanks Mahmud, that was exactly what I was looking for. :)
