


How to prepare 1arcsec SRTM DEM tiles for geocoding?

Added by Tapas Dey over 6 years ago

Dear All,

I have downloaded 1arcsec SRTM tiles (*.tif) from USGS site. How can I mosaic and convert them into Gamma supported DEM for geocoding?


Replies (2)

How to prepare 1arcsec SRTM DEM tiles for geocoding? - Added by Charles Werner over 6 years ago


There is the gamma software script srtm2dem that will let you create individual
gamma format DEMS for each tile. The script also permits adjustment of the
heights to the WGS84 ellipsoid reference by adding the difference between the
geoid and the ellipsoid obtained from a map of the geoid. The DEM tiles can then
be mosaicked using the mosaic or multi_mosaic programs.

It is also possible to download a single TIF format SRTM 1 arcsec DEM file of
the region of interest from the web server at

Best regards,


RE: How to prepare 1arcsec SRTM DEM tiles for geocoding? - Added by Tapas Dey over 6 years ago

Thanks for the help.

Best regards,
